Schools and Colleges

SEND Audits and Ongoing Support

SEND Audits and Ongoing Support:


“Pearl's audit has given us so much to think about and will form the basis of our development plan.”
(Out of school provision, Kent)

The advantage of an independent audit is that it is impartial and objective, providing you with quality assurance and a clear picture of the strengths and weaknesses of your provision. We are able to assess the performance and compliance of your setting against the current Inspection Framework and compliance with other Regulations, such as:

  • - The SEND Code of Practice 2015
  • - The Equality Act 2010
  • - Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSiE) 2021
  • - School Admissions Code 2014
  • - Education Inspection Framework 2019
  • - Ofsted update documents (2022, online)
  • - GDPR 2018
  • - Catch-up funding legislation 2021
  • - Pupil Premium legislation (online 2022)
  • - Governance Handbook, 2020
  • - Competency Framework for Governance 2017
  • - Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018
  • - Current JCQ Regulations

As a result of the audit, a report with recommendations for further action is provided within two weeks, which can be used to demonstrate progress in the development of your SEND provision, as well as providing a basis for your school or college development plan.

A full audit of SEND provision can take between 1 and 3 days

What is involved?

Here is an overview of what takes place:

  • - Interviews with key personnel, such as the SENCO, Senior Leadership Team, SEN governor, pupils and other staff
  • - A review of all relevant policies, your website, monitoring and tracking and impact data
  • - Lesson observations to observe differentiation of teaching and learning
  • - Observations of intervention groups
  • - Where relevant, a review of JCQ exam access arrangements files (including Form 8s) for compliancy with JCQ Regulations

Ongoing support:

Following the audit, we are able to offer ongoing support and training to facilitate improvement in the development of your SEND provision.

Ongoing consultancy and support may include aspects such as:

Contact for further details